As a freeholder, you own a plot of land as well as any properties that sit on that land and as a result, are responsible for their upkeep and maintenance.
As a freeholder, you own a plot of land as well as any properties that sit on that land and as a result, are responsible for their upkeep and maintenance.
When becoming a landlord, managing risk and health and safety in the residential properties you own is a crucial part of the job.
Protecting a buy-to-let property from potentially damaging occurrences is a major priority for landlords, as it can lead to deposit disputes and financial loss.
Being a landlord isn’t a case of purchasing a property, renting it out and forgetting about it. Here are the 6 most common call outs, and how landlords should handle them.
Landlords might be wondering how Coronavirus affects any existing tenancy agreements, in regards to aspects of repair and maintenance work being carried out within a rental property, and just how COVID-19 could affect the UK rental market in the future.
Private renters are worried that reporting issues with their home, or pressing their landlord to carry out repairs, will result in eviction. This unfortunately benefits neither tenant nor landlord.