There are many types of crops grown in the UK such as corn, wheat, barley and maize to name but a few. Arable land insurance, also known as farm insurance or agricultural land insurance, is for an area of land that is capable of being ploughed and is being used to grow such crops, either by yourself or by a farmer that you rent the land to. The policy will provide liability protection to the landowner from any injury or damage occurring to a third-party on the land. This type of cover is also suitable for allotment owners.
Arable Land Insurance

Did you know that the word arable comes from the latin word arāre which means “to plough”

Why do I need insurance for my arable land?

A member of the public may enter your smallholding and twist their ankle in a divot left behind by the tractor that ploughed the land earlier that day. They could fall and injure their head and then seek compensation from the land owner. The injured party may be on your private property but the potential for this sort of claim still exists.

Do you allow tractors or farming equipment on the land?

As the land is being used for agriculture, farming equipment is expected. You will need to disclose any use of tractors, combine harvesters, ploughing or farming equipment or other farm vehicles used on the land. In most cases they will all be accepted as cover for such equipment is not part of this type of insurance (you or the farmer will need to arrange separate insurance cover for this).

How much does it cost?

Premiums start from just £195.00 per annum for up to 50 acres of arable land and fields. Cover for larger areas or land used for multiple purposes is also available.

So what do I do next?

To get an instant online quote then click the “Get Quote” button on this page or visit our contact us page for more details.

You can also visit the land insurance page to see what other types of land we can cover.