Times are tough with the cost of living. For landlords, this has created a situation in which tenants might be starting to struggle to afford rent.
Times are tough with the cost of living. For landlords, this has created a situation in which tenants might be starting to struggle to afford rent.
Insurance is a vital part of being a landlord. However, a shocking number of landlords are finding that they are underinsured and often accidentally.
Becoming a first-time landlord is a dream for a growing number of people in the UK. If you’re ready, there are a number of things you can do to start strong.
Every landlord has to reach a certain energy efficiency standard by law. Understanding what’s expected and how to improve could set you apart from the rest.
Airbnb properties have seen everything from parties to trashed rooms that take weeks to clean and repair, putting insurance policies to the test.
A new white paper has been released that covers a number of suggested improvements and measures that could transform the rental world for the better.
Property investment is a long-term commitment and if you are thinking about becoming a landlord you’ll need to understand what your responsibilities are.
There is no foolproof answer to handling student letting during such an uncertain time, but with the right preparation and landlord insurance cover where possible, landlords can be protected against the constantly changing tides.
Questions about whether students were entitled to refunds or even whether students could be forced to leave privately rented properties on the originally agreed dates during lockdown were common, among many more.
For those looking for the next big opportunity as we ease out of complete lockdown, could “becoming a landlord” be exactly that?