Imposing blanket bans on tenants in receipt of housing benefit in the property rental market has been judged as unlawful, discriminatory and against equality laws after housing charity Shelter took on a case which went to court.
Imposing blanket bans on tenants in receipt of housing benefit in the property rental market has been judged as unlawful, discriminatory and against equality laws after housing charity Shelter took on a case which went to court.
Working tenants are by far the most sought after tenant type for landlords looking to fill their buy-to-let property. But just as with every other tenant type, there are still always risks associated with renting to professional tenants.
Many students feel that landlords are unfairly overcharging on the rent whilst not maintaining the property as they should. Damp and lack of heating or hot water are amongst the largest complaints from students about their accommodation.
Charging rent is how a landlord makes their investment worthwhile. But how often should rental prices be increased and how do you work out how much to raise it by?
From 1st June 2019, the new Tenant Fees Act will come into force, having been introduced because the UK Government wants to see a fairer private rental market.
Wondering what to do with a windowless room? Is it legal to let a windowless room as a bedroom, or will you have to get creative…?
We explore explore the differences between standing order and direct debit and the pros and cons of each for landlords.
With 1 in 6 adults in the UK smoking, and 12% of tenants admitting to having smoked in their home despite their no-smoking tenancy agreement, should you allow your tenants to smoke and what rights do you have as a landlord?
New research shows that over a quarter of tenants could be hiding expensive secrets from their landlords!
Ever wondered what the legal requirements of being a landlord are? We have put together a list of 10 things that you need to consider when you are letting out your property.