Owning rental property means that landlords often find themselves navigating a maze of regulations to protect their assets and comply with the law.
Owning rental property means that landlords often find themselves navigating a maze of regulations to protect their assets and comply with the law.
What exactly is Landlord’s Insurance, and what does it cover? Is it the same as home insurance, or is it something completely different?
If you have a property that currently doesn’t house residents, it’s likely that you are in need of empty property insurance or unoccupied property insurance.
If a power cut has recently damaged something inside your home, you might be wondering if your home insurance covers that damage.
There are many things that can be included with a homeowners and home contents insurance policy, some you might not have even considered.
If you have a second property available as a holiday home or are looking to let out an annexe or room to guests, having the right level of cover can ensure that you, your family and your property are protected.
New-For-Old Contents Insurance VS Contents Indemnity Insurance: What’s the difference?