Protecting Your Holiday Home During the Off-Peak Season
Preparing your holiday home for bad weather and protecting it from intruders are tow of the most important factors during any off-peak season.
Preparing your holiday home for bad weather and protecting it from intruders are tow of the most important factors during any off-peak season.
The last thing you want is a claim over the festive period. Here are some top tips to avoid this predicament.
There are 22.6 million homes in the UK, but 5 million households (more than 1 in 5) do not have home contents insurance.
New-For-Old Contents Insurance VS Contents Indemnity Insurance: What’s the difference?
Many landlords use the terms “lodger” and “tenant” interchangeably, when in fact there are several legal distinctions that you need to be aware of.
If you’re considering becoming a resident landlord and renting a room in your home, you’ll need to be aware of how your existing home insurance policy may be affected.
The weather has been a little unpredictable as of late. Make sure that you don’t put your finances at risk when it comes to weather-related insurance coverage.
Are you looking to insure a mixed use property? With Ashburnham, you can insure a residential flat along with the shop below it under a single policy.
In this guide to unoccupied home insurance, we explain why your standard home insurance policy may not cover an empty house, as well as scenarios in which insuring the property is a good idea.
A home by the beach? Read our article on why you need Holiday Home Insurance to protect your most valuable asset.