If you’re in the industry of car valeting, you’ll likely see your trade as something close to you that you carry out with pride and satisfaction at knowing you’re doing a good job. With most car valets, the staff there are well-trained and experienced at ensuring they are careful with the belongings of others – but even so, being protected against any uncalled for action that might be pointed against you in an unfortunate event is crucial. This is where insurance for car valeting comes in.
Car valeting companies, which have seen a dramatic surge in the past few years as the total number of cars on the road increase yearly by 600,000 vehicles, is a trade that has been around since the creation of the car. You’d likely find that many car owners have at least once used a car valeting service. A prominent fixture to many car parks and outlet industrial sites across the country, you’ll never be far from such a company whose survival depends on ensuring the best for the cars that they maintain.
In the car valeting industry, there are a lot that can happen to put you in an unfavourable position, from minor scratches and scuffs to the exterior of a vehicle, to damage by water or chemical usage, to even an accident involving a customer. All of these have the potential to be financially threatening if you don’t have the correct insurance in place, and with only 1,000 of around 20,000 hand car washes in the UK being regulated, the risk of this happening is at dangerous levels.
A quick search online shows that the number of people reporting mishaps at a car valet is at an all time high with one individual reporting having sued a valet for an unscrupulous staffer crashing that car after playing around inside, earning the individual their settlement plus legal costs and punitive damages. Another individual reports that they found circulation scratches on their paintwork after getting it cleaned through the valet, decided to warn the company that they’d take the issue to court if they weren’t paid damages – ending off with damages being paid out and the car valet left out-of-pocket. Examples like these can be limited with the correct insurance.
So what insurance is available for a car valet and what should a valet expect to be covered for with their policy? There are a lot of different kinds of insurance available on the market, some offering to cover for a whole variety of events and inconveniences whilst others playing strict with the events that they’ll only cover you for. The first kind of insurance policy should include the likes of public liability insurance to cover you from any damages that might occur to a member of public, as well as any damage that might occur to third-party property. A fine business insurance policy should also include both employers liability insurance, to protect you against any claims from employees, as well as commercial property insurance in case your property comes up against unforeseen damage.
In some circumstances, taking out a bespoke car valeting insurance policy with a firm may see all such policies included, however it’s vital these necessities are included.
If you’re interested in insuring your car valeting business, at Ashburnham we may just be able to help you. Contact us on 0800 1696137 to discuss a quote.