Times are tough with the cost of living. For landlords, this has created a situation in which tenants might be starting to struggle to afford rent.
Times are tough with the cost of living. For landlords, this has created a situation in which tenants might be starting to struggle to afford rent.
Landlords are feeling abandoned by the government, according to a new survey by OnePoll for The Mortgage Lender, with 64% saying they haven’t received any financial support and 52% believing they should receive future financial support.
Working tenants are by far the most sought after tenant type for landlords looking to fill their buy-to-let property. But just as with every other tenant type, there are still always risks associated with renting to professional tenants.
Whether you’re buying a second property as a holiday let or changing an existing property into one, a holiday home can be a great investment. If you are thinking about buying a holiday home in the UK, there are quite a few things that you’ll need to consider.
Did you know that the median monthly rent in the UK is £650?