The thought of expanding a buy-to-let property portfolio might feel overwhelming, but becoming a landlord is an attractive option for growing your capital.
The thought of expanding a buy-to-let property portfolio might feel overwhelming, but becoming a landlord is an attractive option for growing your capital.
Protecting a buy-to-let property from potentially damaging occurrences is a major priority for landlords, as it can lead to deposit disputes and financial loss.
Being a landlord isn’t a case of purchasing a property, renting it out and forgetting about it. Here are the 6 most common call outs, and how landlords should handle them.
Imposing blanket bans on tenants in receipt of housing benefit in the property rental market has been judged as unlawful, discriminatory and against equality laws after housing charity Shelter took on a case which went to court.
It is completely possible for landlords to get suitable buildings and contents insurance if they wish to let their properties to tenants in receipt of benefits.
There are many responsibilities a landlord has when renting out their property to a tenant. Here is a useful list of the main things a landlord is and isn’t responsible for.