1) The world’s first skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building in Chicago, United States, peaking at 138 feet in 1885. Though that seems tiny today, it was quite impressive at the time.
2) The highest insurance valuation for a painting is $100 million in 1962 for Leonardo da Vinci’s The Mona Lisa for a special exhibition that would see the painting travel from the Louvre in Paris to Washington DC and then to New York City.
3) The highest insured hair at $1 million belongs to professional American footballer Troy Polamalu in 2010 during his time as a Head & Shoulders spokesperson. He has not cut his hair since 2000 to pay tribute to his Samoan ancestors. Check out our article “10 Most Expensive Celebrity Body Parts Ever Insured” for even more strange insurance policies celebrities have taken out!
4) The most high-fives in one minute world record belongs to the CEO of Brown & Brown Insurance after he high-fived 260 of his company employees in Orlando, Florida, in 2015.
5) The most valuable life insurance policy was taken out in 2014 for $201 million by an apparently well-known “mystery tech billionaire”, facilitated by SG, LLC in California.
6) The largest insurance company based on revenues of $90.97 billion in 2010 is AXA in France.
7) The most people crammed into a VW Campervan (Classic model) was achieved by Comfort Insurance at a specialist VW Van Festival in 2015 where they managed to get an insane number of 50 people crammed in.
8) The longest balloon chain ever measured was an enormous 20,024m in length using 198,240 balloons in 2011, achieved by Future Generali India Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
9) The largest legal document world record is held by ING Life Insurance (Romania), with an insurance policy measuring 9m x 6m in 2007.
10) The most Likes on a Facebook page in 24 hours is 2,047,058 on Farmers Insurance’s Facebook page in 2011, after running a promotion with Zynga.
11) The most cholesterol readings taken in 8 hours is 2,420 achieved by AXA Insurance in Dubai at an event that the insurance company organised in 2014.
12) The most contributions to a greeting card belongs to Churchill Insurance’s mascot The Churchill Dog with a record number of 4,347 people contributing to the mascot’s birthday in 2012.
Maybe Ashburnham Insurance should attempt one soon. Any ideas?