Well, we have reached the end of the “noughties” meaning this will be our last post of the current decade. Thanks to all our readers for following us over the last year and beyond. There’s plenty more to come in the future both here on the blog and with new and exciting developments at Ashburnham Insurance as well – watch this space!

It seems like only the other day when we were all preparing for the millennium with massive celebrations going on all round the world along with a few people biting their nails over the possibility of a millennium bug! 10 years on, and the end of a decade has been reached and there doesn’t seem to be anything more than the usual end of year build up. Personally I think the last decade has been an amazing one and certainly worth an extra celebration. Even if you disagree with me then why not use the end of the year as an excuse to start afresh.

I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday season and we would like to wish our customers, readers and everyone else associated with Ashburnham Insurance all the best 2010.