Did you know that your insurance cover is your responsibility. It’s probably not something you think of too much but perhaps you should. Far too many people don’t take enough care over their policies.
Something as minor as a change of occupation could affect your car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, and the list goes on. But how many of you would contact all these different companies to tell them. I can guarantee they asked you your occupation before you took out the policy so it’s something you need to tell them when you change. This is only an example but you must keep all your insurances up to date at all times otherwise you run the risk of being uninsured.
The big concern above this is renewing your insurance policies. An assumption that most people make is that your insurer will contact you just before your policies falls due for renewal. This is a bad assumption to make. An insurer, as far as I am aware, is not obligated to contact you before your policy runs out, it is purely a courteous service provided along with the fact that they would like to get your business for another year. I don’t know of any insurer or broker that doesn’t contact their customers prior to their renewal but you must know that if they don’t, your policy will still expire and it will be your responsibility.
It may be something like the insurer somehow missing your letter by mistake and not sending it or the letter getting lost in the post. These things happen and you must be prepared. A note in the diary made when you took the policy out last year is normally all you have to do.
The reason I bring this subject up is due to the current postal strikes. If you don’t receive your renewal letter in time and consequently miss your insurance renewal, you cannot blame your insurer or broker, you cannot even blame Royal Mail. The entire responsibility will always be with you.
If you haven’t done it yet, dig out all your insurance policies and write their anniversaries on your calender. Quick, simple and could save you a lot of despair if the worst were to happen.