From deposit disputes, higher demand for repairs and landlord input, damage risk and rent arrears, several issues can arise and lead to insurance claims.
From deposit disputes, higher demand for repairs and landlord input, damage risk and rent arrears, several issues can arise and lead to insurance claims.
Questions about whether students were entitled to refunds or even whether students could be forced to leave privately rented properties on the originally agreed dates during lockdown were common, among many more.
The sheer number of types of tenants is vast, from single parents to newlyweds, through to students, elderly tenants and more. However, these can often be broken down into a few key tenant types according to employment status, age or financial situation.
Many students feel that landlords are unfairly overcharging on the rent whilst not maintaining the property as they should. Damp and lack of heating or hot water are amongst the largest complaints from students about their accommodation.