As winter sets in, property owners and landlords face unique challenges, many of which potentially impact their rental income.
As winter sets in, property owners and landlords face unique challenges, many of which potentially impact their rental income.
You’ve likely come across terms like ‘rent to rent’ and ‘guaranteed rent schemes’. These arrangements offer landlords a unique way to let out their properties.
As a landlord, you have several responsibilities that you have to fulfil and while some are cost-free, others can rack up a bill if not handled properly.
Times are tough with the cost of living. For landlords, this has created a situation in which tenants might be starting to struggle to afford rent.
With Rent Guarantee Insurance you might be wondering whether it’s worth the additional cost and if it can help. We’ve put together a guide to help you decide.
What exactly is Landlord’s Insurance, and what does it cover? Is it the same as home insurance, or is it something completely different?
With inflation shaking up everything and interest rates rising, there is an uncertainty in the markets that is unsettling for buyers, renters and landlords.
The UK’s rental market has always been competitive, but after the effects of Covid-19 and the latest price hikes, this has become more of an issue.
I’m sure landlords have heard every excuse under the sun for not receiving rent from their tenants on time. We have collected a list of the top 100 excuses for no rent. Why not count how many of these you have heard before.
There is an obvious confusion between loss of rent cover and rent guarantee cover. This post helps explains the differences.