Ashburnham provide student landlord insurance, for landlords who rent to student tenants in higher education.
There is a growing need for properties that accept student tenants in the UK. There is also a rise in international students heading to the UK to take advantage of our high level education system. Not all landlord insurance policies will cover tenants in education, as they are considered high-risk in comparison to working tenants, but at Ashburnham Insurance we can provide you quotes from multiple insurers who offer landlord insurance for student tenants.
Choose the level of cover you require using our online policy form. Just make sure that under Occupancy Details, you select “Student”.
The most popular cover for landlords, irrespective of tenant type, is Landlords buildings insurance which protects your most important asset: your property.
Covers the financial cost of repairing a property’s structural damage. We can cover both accidental and malicious damage, in addition to environmental damage (e.g. flooding, storms, etc).
Property let to students will typically be furnished. This cover will protect the landlord from the costs of repairing and replacing furnishing that have been stolen or accidentally damaged by student tenants.
Covers the cost of repairing any accidental or malicious damage caused by your student tenants or their guests.
Covers loss of rent by guaranteeing monthly rent payments for a maximum of 6 months in the event that a student tenant is in arrears and temporarily unable to pay due to issues with their student loan.
Indemnifies the property owner against liability if a tenant, guest or member of the public is injured on the premises, including cover from the financial costs of any claims made due to negligence.
Indemnifies the expenses in pursuit or defense of any disputes connected to a landlord’s property that require legal protection.
Head over to our Landlord Portfolio Insurance page.
Students typically require furnished accommodation as you provide them a “home away from home”. Uni students expect the basic essentials to be provided when it comes to furniture and utilities. This means that contents insurance is highly recommended, to protect you from the costs of repairing and replacing any of your own furniture that you supply with the off-campus student accommodation. Students are responsible for insuring their own personal possessions and devices.
University student accommodation will regularly become unoccupied outside of term time, when uni students go home for the holidays. Whilst Ashburnham provide long periods of allowed unoccupancy, some providers restrict this to 30 days which can potentially affect cover during these periods and you should therefore consider getting unoccupied property insurance. However, if you already have a tenancy agreement in place with students due to move back in within a few weeks then all you need is a student landlord insurance policy.
Thanks to this seasonal flow of student tenants, you can be better prepared for tenancy durations and perform annual maintenance work during the off-season.
Our landlord insurance for student tenants also covers malicious damage by tenants as standard with the option to add accidental damage cover to the policy. One of the main concerns when renting to students, who may be living without adult supervision for the first time in their lives, is that they won’t take responsible care of the property and may even cause intentional damage. This kind of cover can give landlords some peace of mind when renting to student tenants. Just make sure to always keep a detailed inventory of all items and furniture supplied, as well as the condition of these items and the property itself.
The need for off-campus student accommodation is growing as an increasing number of young people choose to continue their education past college. Private landlords in university towns can make the most of this growing demand by catering to university students seeking nearby residence. Though students are considered high-risk, they can be a profitable market for your buy-to-let business. Comprehensive landlord insurance for student tenants is invaluable when it comes to being prepared for anything that could possibly go wrong.