Ashburnham Insurance provide the ideal public liability insurance cover for all types of pet sitters including doggy day care, pet minding and animal babysitting.
Pet sitting is a great choice of career for animal lovers. However, when you are looking after an array of pets from cats and dogs to rabbits and birds, an accident is just waiting to happen. You may just trip over a new puppy or kitten and fall onto the glass coffee table, causing it to smash. For this reason, public liability insurance is the first thing you should think of when working with people’s cherished critters.
It is not a compulsory cover, but is critical in providing protection from the financial impact that a claim you are found liable for could create. Public liability insurance for pet sitters can cover you and your company from an array of things from losing clients keys, a dog bite to a member of the public or injury to the kitty in your care.
Common types of claims
This cover is optional but Ashburnham recommend that you certainly consider having it. Furthermore, if you have someone who helps you out, you may wish to consider Employers Liability to provide compensation in the event of them being injured or causing damage.
Ashburnham Insurance compare a trusted range of insurers so customers can choose the best insurance provider for their business.
Getting the right insurance policy with Ashburnham is easy:
Step 1 – Make your policy with our simple online form.
Step 2 – Compare quotes from insurers provided.
Step 3 – Purchase your preferred cover online.
Step 4 – Instantly receive your documents online or have them posted to you.